Guide For International Students for Change in Universities or Courses

Visa Application

National or international students who want to study in Australia get a span of 29 study areas like business and management, accounting, engineering, nursing, and other important courses. Whether you wanted to get an undergraduate degree, enroll in a language course, or seek a postgraduate degree, there might be a lot of questions in mind. Given are a few questions that might knock your mind when wanted to change course or university.

Can I Change My Course? Yes, as an international student in Australia with a student visa Subclass 500 can change the course if you feel the course, you are currently studying is not the correct option for you. You need to look through the options before finalising the decision:

  • Studying The Original Course For 6 Months or More- If you have been studying the course for six or more months and wanted to change to the same or higher-level Australian qualification framework (AQF) course at the same institution, then there is no need to ask for a new student visa. Your education provider will update the Department of Home Affairs on the change in the study situation.
  • Studying The Original Course for Less Than 6 Months- The rules are the same as above even if you have studied the course for less than 6 months.
  • Changing To Lower Level or Non-AQF Course- If you are changing to a low-level or non-AQF course, then need to seek a new student visa. If you are shifting from an AQF level 10 course (Doctoral Degree) to an AQF 9 Course (Master’s Degree).

Can I Change Universities?

After completing 6 months of study and wanting to get the same or higher level AQF course then can change universities.

Can I Study At 2 Universities at The Same Time?

To Apply for Subclass 500 visa, you need a confirmation of enrolment from your education provider. If you want to study at another institution concurrently, then you need to contact the original institution directly to check the impact on your student visa.

Can I Move to Another State for University?

Yes, you can move interstate for university in Australia. The process will be less or more if you are changing institutions.

Required Documents for Changing to New University?

Before changing the institutions, you may require documentation as each institution, their courses, and requirements may be different. You should talk to the student advisor and check for the institution’s transfer policy and follow the process. If you are under 18, then your parent or guardian needs to provide a letter supporting the transfer.

Where to Get Expert Advice About the Visa?

Changing your courses or universities can be complex sometimes, especially in certain circumstances. You can check the process with an education agent or talk to a registered migration agent to discuss personal issues.

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