Family Sponsored Visa Australia

The Australian immigration department has the option to unite people from outside Australia to be with their families in Australia. Under family sponsored visa Australia, one can seek their partners, parents, children and other family members to get migrated to the country following the requirements. These visas are essentially sponsored by Australian PR holders, citizens, and eligible New Zealand citizens. With our years of experience in the industry and the approach of constant learning by our team of professionals, we excel in our services in many places. You have to just contact us and we will work on personalized requirements and prepare a custom plan for you.

Family Sponsored Visa Australia

Types and Requirements of Family Visa

Partner Visa Category

Under this visa type the fiancé/fiancée or spouse is allowed to immigrate to Australia for settlement. Applicants who are coming to Australia with visa approvals will get initial approval of temporary settlements and then after completion of the required period and formalities can be able to seek permanent residency. With the partner category under family sponsored visa, Australia who can come to Australia are

  • Married, spouses or De-facto partner
  • Fiancé or fiancée or partners marrying soon
  • Willing partners from the same or other sex

Requirement for Partner Visa

Any applicant seeking the partner visa must have:

  • Partner having permanent resident (PR) of Australia
  • Australian citizenship or eligible New Zealand citizen

Parent Visa Category

A parent visa is an option for applicants who have eligible children staying in Australia as citizens or have permanent residency or eligible New Zealand citizenship. It is a category for visa immigration in Australia that is mandatory to get sponsorship from children residing in Australia. Parent visas are issues for working and aged parents. Every applicant of the parent visa when immigrating on the base can also take employment in Australia. There are some categories of parent visas, that can further be changed into permanent visas subject to the application. An option of “Contributory Parent Visa” ensures your visa application will be processed rapidly but at an extra cost. Every year, a limited number of parent visas are issued by the Australian immigration authorities. So, you need to possibly must wait for the turn.

Requirement for Parent Visa

  • Have child/children residing in Australia
  • Sponsorship from the child having PR, New Zealand citizenship

Child Visa Category

This visa type is like the parent category visa and has different subclasses as an option to unite with your parents in Australia. Before applying for the visa, be sure any one or both parents are in Australia with a permanent resident, citizen of Australia, or qualified New Zealand citizen. In case, the child is in Australia, then it can get them immigrated as a permanent resident, orphan relative, or dependent child. For this purpose, the concerned child should be an offshore candidate and then get the dependent child visa or adoption visa or can also ask for an orphaned relative visa for being with the parent in Australia.

Requirement of Child Visa

  • The child should be below 18 years
  • It should be dependent on the parent in Australia having citizenship, PR, or eligible New Zealand citizen

Visa for Other Family Members

When you want to be united with your family members like brothers, sisters, carers, or other dependent relatives in Australia, then can seek this visa option. The applicants can be united with their family in Australia on a temporary visa and after completion of the requirements later can apply for a permanent visa.

Requirements of Visa

  • Get sponsorship from Australian citizens, Australian PR holders, and from eligible New Zealand citizens

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria vary for each visa type, but common requirements include meeting health and character standards, having a sponsor (usually the Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen family member), providing evidence of a genuine relationship or dependency, and meeting financial and support obligations.

Family Visa Subclasses

Seeking a Family-Sponsored visa in Australia, then you can pick the relevant visa according to the case from the list given below:

Child Visa (Subclass 802) Onshore

A child visa Subclass 802 gives the chance to eligible child applicants to be with their parent/ parents in Australia for an indefinite period.

Child Visa (Subclass 101) Offshore

With child visa Subclass 101 offshore, one can sponsor the child outside Australia to come and live with their parents for an indefinite period.

New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship Visa (Subclass 461)

With this visa application, the applicant can live in Australia temporarily under the family visa Australia.

Remaining Relative Visa (Subclass 115

Remaining relative 115 visas are a permanent type visa that allows the relatives of the Australian citizen or PR holders to live in Australia. It can be taken especially by those who are only left in their home country.

Adoption Visa (Subclass 102)

The adoption visa Subclass 102 gives the chance to Australian Citizens, PR holders, or eligible New Zealand holders a chance to be with their adopted child in Australia.

Aged Dependent Relative Visa (Subclass 114 and 838)

This visa option as the name suggests gives the old relative of the Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, and eligible New Zealand citizen living in Australia permanently a chance to be in Australia. It can be granted especially when they are financially dependent and meeting the age criteria given by Australian immigration.

Carer Visa (Subclass 116 and 836)

Carer visa Subclass 116 and 836 gives a chance to the people so that they can live in Australia permanently and offer assistance or care to their relatives in Australia at the time they are unable to receive care and support from any other relative when required. One can also seek this visa when unable to get support or care from a welfare hospital, community services, or nursing in Australia.

Temporary Work (International Relations Visa Subclass 403)

The international relations Subclass 403 visa allows individuals to take any work or activity in Australia and be here in Australia on that basis after following some terms and conditions required.

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